
即前几天Monash IT提分以后,墨尔大也不淡定了,Master of Marketing Communications


Key information in the announcement are outlined as below.

  • Admission requirements for all categories of Chinese universities for Master of Marketing Communication have been raised and are effective immediately.
  • Tier 1 985 universities are introduced and a list of Tier 1 985 universities is provided.
  • For S2 2017 intake, only applications of students from C9 and Tier 1 985 universities are allowed to defer and will be manually undertaken by UOM admissions team.
  • Further review of admission requirement for S1 2018 intake will be undertaken shortly and all applications for this intake is on hold currently.

墨大营销传播学硕士MMC分为1.5年制和2年制课程,1.5年制针对的是之前有在Marketing领域或者Communication以及Media领域有过 学术背景的学生,开学时间每年2月和7月。而2年制针对的是毫无商科或者传播学背景的其他本科学生,开学时间每年2月


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